

FleetScan – take control of your company car fleet

Operating a company car fleet is challenging. Whether facing a lack of cost transparency, a disparate and disjointed supply chain, or the cash v car question, we help companies isolate and overcome such challenges.


A FREE FleetScan from Fleetworx is a quick and easy way to measure the performance of your car fleet and identify cost-saving and energy-saving opportunities.


A chat with one of our experienced Account Managers and a review of your car fleet data and supply chain, will quickly allow us to prepare and present a SWOT analysis of your car fleet structure, giving you the building blocks for a robust and cost-efficient company car fleet.


To request a FleetScan simply complete the form and we will be in touch to begin your review.

Request a FREE FleetScan

    First Name

    Last Name

    Job Title

    Company name

    Business Email address

    Phone number

    Company car fleet size (select one)