23 Oct Business Mobility: Everything you wanted to know about mobility (but didn’t know who to ask)
“Business Mobility” and indeed “Mobility” is a hot topic. Whole swaths of the fleet industry are refining their propositions around the term. Leasing company’s such as Alphabet have repositioned themselves as “business mobility partners”, whilst the CEO of SIXT suggests customers are not concerned about their method of transport as long as they get quickly and conveniently to their destination.
But what actually is Mobility? And what does it mean for your business?
Traditionally, company car fleets have been the answer to a company’s employee mobility requirement. But as the approach to mobility is drawn into sharper focus, the company car is rapidly becoming only one part of a broader mobility mix.
Several key macro factors are influencing the mobility landscape across Europe and the market is responding with a raft of mobility start-ups and new product development from mature suppliers. The very real threat of vehicular access bans within inner cities is forcing companies to reconsider how their people move around their territories. This, coupled with the changing attitude of the millennials (under 35) toward mobility, has resulted in mobility products based around reducing the size and number of cars and switching people into car sharing schemes, public transport and cycling.
Mass digitisation of society has also influenced the way in which people travel, and the introduction of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) has allowed travellers to consider transport as something they purchase when it is needed, rather than having permanent car ownership. Indeed, a recent study by ALD found that 50% of Europeans consider car ownership as non-essential.
In addition to the changing attitudes of society at large, several market forces are also influencing the way in which companies are dealing with mobility. The reduction of cost is an ever-present challenge and understanding the efficiencies of how a company moves its people is essential to this task. Reviewing total cost of mobility, rather than managing the car fleet in isolation and reviewing total cost of ownership, is an increasingly popular practice among many European companies.
The review of the mobility category as a whole, rather than in silos of car fleet, business travel and expenses, also helps a business calculate its total CO2 emissions attributable to transport, as well as understand the efficiency of travel and employee productivity.
Recruiting the brightest new talent remains very difficult and as the younger generation move into more senior positions, new mobility solutions can exploit their changing attitude and be used as an attractive recruitment tool.
Although there is a noticeable market shift toward mobility, many organisations still do not understand what it means and how it can help their business. To assist companies with this change Fleetworx have created a straightforward guide to the services that make up business mobility, what it means for your business and how to introduce it.
To get your free copy of this Ebook click here or call Graham Rees or Tom Osborne on 01926 353 300 to discuss how mobility may work in your business.
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